←終了しました配信期間/Streaming period
2021年12月1日~2022年3月31日/2022年6月1日~6月20日 有料配信(約45分)
2021.12.1-2022.3.31/2022.6.1-6.20 On-demand streaming (45 min.)
1000 yen / 72-hours streaming period (create or log in to your Vimeo account for payment).
Anatomy of the Dream: Shojo-Midare―A Film|Teaser (1:33)
チラシPDFプレスリリース「ルカ・ヴェジェッティさんにきく 世田谷美術館でのパフォーマンス「夢の解剖――猩々乱」をめぐるインタビュー(28分52秒)
Interview with Luca Veggetti – On the performance Anatomy of the Dream: Shojo-midare at the Setagaya Art Museum (28:52)
→世田美チャンネルをYoutubeで見るAnatomy of the Dream: Shojo-Midare—A FilmThe gaze of an Italian director met the space-time of Noh
The scene of this encounter was the Setagaya Art Museum in Tokyo. In October 2021, in the entrance hall of the museum, a space that has hosted over the years a series of performative events searching for new paths in expressive languages, a rare international collaboration took place. Luca Veggetti, an Italian choreographer and director with a deep knowledge of Japanese culture, staged one of the most important works from the repertoire of Noh: Shojo- Midare, with Nagayama Keizo, Kanze Tetsunojo and Okura Genjiro who, while standing at the very top of this theatrical tradition, supported the director’s vision with great understanding for his endeavors.
Veggetti’s essential staging, based on a precise use of light and shadow, reshaped the performance of the orginal Noh while keeping intact the splendid beauty of its form. By amplifying a creative potential built upon many centuries of tradition, the staging aimed at opening the door to another dimension.
Here is the film of this rare event. In no way it is the simple documentation of it, rather, its filmic expression and as such an artwork in its own right. Together with Sugita Kyoshi and Iioka Yukiko, the director and the cinematographer who have attracted national and international attention with their clear and poetic style, Veggetti, an artist with a profound interest in the art of film, leads us inside an intense dream.
長山桂三(シテ) 森常好(ワキ)
藤田貴寛(笛) 大倉源次郎(小鼓) 大倉慶乃助(大鼓) 林雄一郎(太鼓) 観世銕之丞(地謡) 鵜澤光(後見)
※本事業は文化庁「ARTS for the future!」補助対象事業です。
※トランス/エントランス特別篇「夢の解剖――猩々乱」についてはこちらAnatomy of the Dream: Shojo-MidareConcept and direction: Luca Veggetti
Shite: Nagayama Keizo
Waki: Mori Tsuneyoshi
Fue: Fujita Takahiro
Kotsuzumi: Okura Genjiro
Otsuzumi: Okura Keinosuke
Taiko: Hayashi Yuichiro
Jiutai: Kanze Tetsunojo
Koken: Uzawa Hikaru
Lighting object design: Yoshida Moe
Lighting: Tomiyama Takayuki
Stagehand/Performer: Sato Miyuki
Stagehand: Kawachi Takashi
Photography: Imai Tomoki
Special thanks to: Oda Seiji
Curated and produced by: Tsukada Miki (Setagaya Art Museum)
Production assistants: Yoshida Emi Suzuki, Teriha (Setagaya Art Museum)
Production cooperation: NPO Arts Network Japan
In collaboration with: Tessenkai
Under the patronage of: Italian Cultural Institute
Organized by: Setagaya Art Museum (Setagaya Arts Foundation)
Anatomy of the Dream: Shojo-Midare-A FilmGeneral Supervision: Luca Veggetti
Producer: Sugita Kyoshi
Director: Okawa Keiko
Cinematographers: Iioka Yukiko, Tsuboi Taku, Matsushita Hitomi
Recording: Kawakami Takuya
Editing: Okawa Keiko
Grading: Tamaki Genta
Flyer design: Takeda Atsushi (Souvenir Design Inc.)
Produced by: Setagaya Art Museum ©2021